Insomnia is a condition in which a person either cannot sleep enough or experiences disturbed rest patterns at night. If you suffer from insomnia, there are tips you can use when you cant fall asleep easily. The first tip is to wake up each day at the same time. Although you may be tempted to sleep late on the weekends, try not to do this. Getting up at the same time every day helps to train your body for consistent rest patterns.
Try to reduce your stress by learning different relaxation techniques to soothe the mind and body. You can use muscle relaxation therapy, deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm yourself before going to bed. You can even consider trying cognitive therapy, which helps certain people with insomnia to identify negative thoughts that may contribute to their sleeplessness and correct them. Cognitive therapy can also help you understand sleep patterns as you age and set reasonable sleep goals.
You should limit the amount of naps you take during the day. Many people nap to catch up on their rest, especially if they feel tired during the day. However, you need to establish regular sleeping patterns for your body. This means you have to train yourself to associate rest with certain cues, such as darkness, so that your body recognizes when it is bedtime. Too many naps can affect the quality of your rest at night.
Temporary insomnia may mean you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Some people awaken too early or experience restless sleep during the night. This may be due to underlying health problems, so if it continues for longer than a few weeks, you should see your doctor.
You should also try to limit the activities you are doing in bed. Many people rest better at night when they leave the bed for sleeping and having sex only. People who suffer from insomnia should not try to do things like study or talk on the phone while in bed.
Try to create a restful sleeping environment in your bedroom. You should keep it quiet and dark. The temperature should be neither too cold nor too hot. Your body will know what temperature is needed for optimal rest. Control the noise so that you are not awakened too frequently. Pay special attention also to the type of bed you are sleeping on. A mattress that is lumpy or does not support your back can lead to back problems and it can disturb your sleep too. If you have an old bed, it may be time to shop for a new one. Get a good quality mattress rather than something cheap and uncomfortable.
Try not to eat or drink before you go to bed. Snacking or having a late dinner before bed can activate your digestive system and keep you from sleeping well. People with heartburn should especially avoid eating or drinking just before bed, as this can aggravate symptoms. In addition, control your fluid intake, since drinking lots of fluids before bed can fill your bladder and cause frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the night.
You also need to try to establish a regular sleeping cycle. This will teach your body to set its internal clock to a regular schedule and help it to respond to various cues for waking up and going to sleep. You can program your body this way by waking up at the same time every morning. Do this every day, even on the weekends.
Try to reduce your stress by learning different relaxation techniques to soothe the mind and body. You can use muscle relaxation therapy, deep breathing exercises and meditation to calm yourself before going to bed. You can even consider trying cognitive therapy, which helps certain people with insomnia to identify negative thoughts that may contribute to their sleeplessness and correct them. Cognitive therapy can also help you understand sleep patterns as you age and set reasonable sleep goals.
You should limit the amount of naps you take during the day. Many people nap to catch up on their rest, especially if they feel tired during the day. However, you need to establish regular sleeping patterns for your body. This means you have to train yourself to associate rest with certain cues, such as darkness, so that your body recognizes when it is bedtime. Too many naps can affect the quality of your rest at night.
Temporary insomnia may mean you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Some people awaken too early or experience restless sleep during the night. This may be due to underlying health problems, so if it continues for longer than a few weeks, you should see your doctor.
You should also try to limit the activities you are doing in bed. Many people rest better at night when they leave the bed for sleeping and having sex only. People who suffer from insomnia should not try to do things like study or talk on the phone while in bed.
Try to create a restful sleeping environment in your bedroom. You should keep it quiet and dark. The temperature should be neither too cold nor too hot. Your body will know what temperature is needed for optimal rest. Control the noise so that you are not awakened too frequently. Pay special attention also to the type of bed you are sleeping on. A mattress that is lumpy or does not support your back can lead to back problems and it can disturb your sleep too. If you have an old bed, it may be time to shop for a new one. Get a good quality mattress rather than something cheap and uncomfortable.
Try not to eat or drink before you go to bed. Snacking or having a late dinner before bed can activate your digestive system and keep you from sleeping well. People with heartburn should especially avoid eating or drinking just before bed, as this can aggravate symptoms. In addition, control your fluid intake, since drinking lots of fluids before bed can fill your bladder and cause frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the night.
You also need to try to establish a regular sleeping cycle. This will teach your body to set its internal clock to a regular schedule and help it to respond to various cues for waking up and going to sleep. You can program your body this way by waking up at the same time every morning. Do this every day, even on the weekends.
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