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The Many Advantages Of Aerobic Exercise

By Andy G Smith

In an earlier article I highlighted the advantages of exercising at an intensity of 7 out of 10, or 70% of your maximum heart rate. The scale from 1 to 10 is known as the 'rate of perceived exertion' and I will refer to it as RPE as I explain how to improve your current cardiovascular fitness.

If we look past the obvious then there are other advantages to exercising at greater intensities. If we use a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is too easy and 10 is almost impossible then you should aim to exercise at a minimum of 7. At 7 it should be hard and you will sweat, but you should be able to maintain the level of difficulty for at least 20 minutes. When you exercise at this level, changes begin to occur in your body.

I want you to visualise this is a ladder and you are trying to climb to the top. Each time you slip (perhaps you miss your training for 2 weeks), just get back on the ladder and keep climbing! Remember in my last article I told you that you have to be in this for the long haul? Well, missing a few training session does not mean you failed, it just means you lost your footing! You know that you can do this if you put your mind to it!

If you are specifically searching for a direct sales company to partner with, then it is important that you are inspired by the company's vision, as your contribution will be helping the company to move in the direction of their long-term goals and objectives. You should aim to become immersed and emotionally involved in the vision, as this will give you the motivation to strive towards your own personal goals and dreams. When you are truly passionate about what you are doing, others will be keen to find out what you know about health and Usana and will want to know why you are so enthusiastic about sharing your knowledge!

However, if you cannot sustain at least 20 minutes at higher intensity then you should reduce your level of difficulty to achieve the full amount of time. In my opinion this is the only time you should exercise at a lower intensity (other than warm ups and cool downs). Working at 6 out of 10 will NOT encourage your body to adapt and become a fat burning machine!

If you are going to do this from home then you can still walk or jog, or you may choose to do 30 minutes of your favourite exercise video. If you like sports then you could play tennis, football or squash. Use your imagination! It may be useful to look in your local paper to see what clubs and classes are on offer in your local area. Don't Delay! Do it right now and get climbing up the ladder! Once you reach the top, make sure you stay there by continuing to push and challenge yourself.


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